Kate Moorby

Services offered and Pricing

Pre-Puppy Planning Session

Before bringing a puppy home we recommend a pre-puppy planning session to help you make the puppy's transition into their new home as smooth as possible. We will make sure that you have everything you need to help set up the home ready for their arrival.

We will cover: • Puppy proofing your house • Collecting your puppy • Sleeping arrangements • Toilet training • Essential equipment • Crate training • Managing other household pets and children • Training methods • Socialisation and Habituation • Routines and feeding and any other issues you would like to discuss.

Price: £90
For 1.5 hours of either in-person or remote consultation.

Photo by Berkay Gumustekin on Unsplash

The Puppy Package

Getting your first puppy / dog can sometimes be challenging for new or inexperienced dog owners.  Getting your home set up correctly to welcome the dog and having the whole family equipped with some easy to learn techniques can make the process a great deal easier and fun.

I offer a package of 3 home visits (about 1.5 hour each) tailored to your puppy as an individual, giving advice on safe socialisation, toilet training, sleeping arrangements, enrichment, canine body language, communication and frequent issues such as mouthing, chewing, digging, barking etc. In our training sessions, we guide you in teaching your puppy important life skills such as sit, down, settle, drop, attention and recall, leave it and stay behaviours. This package comes with an initial phone consultation, written resources and advice in between sessions.

Price: £240
For 3 one-to-one home visits, resources and advice between sessions.

Photo by Raquel García on Unsplash

Reliable Recall Package

It can be stressful having a dog that does not come back when called, preferring to race off to play with other dogs or chase squirrels.  A reliable recall is an essential skill which allows your dog some freedom and for you to relax and enjoy your dog's company knowing they are safe.  We will show you how to train your dog to recall either to a whistle and / or your choice of cue for a successful recall.  We will give you fun games for your recall toolbox to help deal with distractions.

Price: £210
For 3 visits of 1 - 1.5 hours each.

Photo by David Clarke on Unsplash

One-to-one Training sessions

Training is a lifelong process which needs to be tailored to both the dog's and the owner's needs. We aim to make training easy and fun while ensuring it applies to real-life situations.  We provide training solutions for a variety of training issues such as jumping up at people or children, pulling on the lead, excessive nipping and play biting and poor recall, or engage us to teach you some fun trick training techniques.

Price: £70/ hour

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash

New Baby

For expectant parents who already have a dog.  We will give you the information and practical skills you need to help you and your dog prepare for life as a family with a young child.

Every dog regardless of breed, size, temperament previous training will benefit from some proactive planning to gently introduce the changes a new baby brings.

Price: £95
In-person 1.5 hour consultation with follow up notes and resources

Photo by Alexandru Rotariu on Unsplash

First Aid Call

Do you need urgent behavioural advice, or are you in a high-risk situation?

Price: £110

I can arrange an initial 60 minute telephone or Zoom consultation if you require urgent support. The discussion will allow me to make a preliminary risk assessment, and I intend to provide you with preventive management advice. The aim is to prevent the problem from worsening and maximise everyone's safety and welfare as much as possible until a full behaviour consultation can be arranged.

The advice is only intended to be implemented as a short-term measure; it will not "fix" the behaviour.

You will be sent a summary of the outcome of the call.

Full Behavioural Consultation

Our companion dogs sometimes find the stresses of modern-day life with humans challenging, and this can lead to an array of behavioural issues.

We offer a comprehensive assessment and a bespoke treatment plan with full support through the programme.  If necessary, I will collaborate with your vet to ensure that  any medical causes of behaviour are explored and treated.

Behaviour Assessments Cover

  • Dogs exhibiting anxiety, fear, frustration or reactivity problems
  • Owner absent related problems
  • Aggression towards humans or other animals, food / toy / location guarding

Price: £325

Package includes:

  • Initial 2.5 hour consultation, including a thorough assessment of the problem behaviour.
  • A comprehensive behaviour report with a bespoke plan of action outlining management advice and initial practical training.
  • Plus, a 1-hour face-to-face follow-up session.
  • Write letters and emails and communicate with the veterinary team, if required.
  • Email and phone support for up to 12 weeks between sessions.

Child Adoption/ Fostering and School Dog Assessment.

This service is designed to assess animals and the homes of potential adoptive parents or child foster carers (a requirement by many social services departments and adoption agencies) or school dogs. This assessment involves:

  • A home visit of 2.5 hour duration.
  • A professional opinion on the risks these animals present to children, particularly those with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties.
  • Advice regarding the introduction of children and animals.

A written report to include:

  • Owner experience and relationship with the animal(s)
  • Exposure to, and behaviour in, various social situations
  • The animal’s training background and any health issues.
  • Practical considerations regarding the home environment
  • Temperament and behaviour with members of the household, visitors, general public and children of differing age groups

Price: £280 for one dog within a 5 mile radius of SE22. Additional fees apply per dog in a household & to cover travel expenses and time for visits over 5 miles.

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